Brand Barristers and Solicitors Perth

Level 3, 24 Outram Street, West Perth | Call +61 (08) 6260 0076

Work with us

Jai Saunders Brand Solicitors Perth Albany

Welcome to Brand Barristers and Solicitors.

If you are interested in exploring employment opportunities with our organisation, we highly encourage you to complete the form below. By doing so, we will have your details on file, enabling us to consider you for any suitable roles that may become available in the future.

Learn more about our organisation on the Employee Benefits & Initiatives page. For law students have a look at our Clerkships and Internships page.

Jai Saunders
Practice Manager

Your information will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will be used solely for recruitment purposes. We value your proactive approach in sharing your details.

Should there be a potential match between your qualifications and our requirements, we will reach out to you to discuss the next steps. We appreciate your consideration in choosing us as a potential employer and look forward to the possibility of working together in the future. 

Thank you for your interest and taking the time to provide us with your information.  

Work With Us Application Form

Brand Barristers and Solicitors Perth